Penn State's Go-60 program offers tuition-free enrollment into undergraduate credit courses for eligible students 60 years of age and older.
- Must be at least 60 years of age
- Must be retired or working less than half-time (twenty hours or less)
- Must be PA residents for at least a year and live in the Service Area/Schuylkill County
Course Limitations
- Tuition benefit is limited to six credits per semester on a space available basis.
- Tuition benefit applies only to courses numbered 001 through 399. (Any 400-level course may be taken at the current tuition rate.)
- Course enrollment is for audit only. (No degrees or certificates can be earned as a Go-60 participant.)
- Participants are not able to enroll in the same course more than one time.
- Participants are not able to enroll in courses that have a travel component.
Although students who meet the above guidelines can take undergraduate courses tuition-free, students will be responsible for fees, textbooks, and other costs associated with the course.
To receive the Go-60 tuition waiver, participants must be active non-degree students and enrolled in their selected class by the following deadlines:
- Fall Semester: By August 1
- Spring Semester: By December 1
The Go-60 tuition benefit is not available during summer sessions.
How do I get started?
Contact the registrar's office at 570-385-6125 to register for the Go-60 program and to check course availability. Students must bring a valid state or federal photo ID when registering.
Note Regarding Academic Standing
Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher to remain in the Go-60 Program.