Certificate Programs

Add specificity to your degree program or enhance your professional skills

Penn State Schuylkill offers 15 undergraduate certificate programs so students can focus in on a specific area of study in their degree program or enhance their professional skills in their existing career. All of these certificates are designed to complement existing Penn State Schuylkill degree programs, and many of them can be completed without enrolling in a degree so you can advance your career or simply expand your knowledge base.

Behavioral Health and Counseling Psychology

Behavioral health and counseling psychology is an applied field of psychology and counseling that helps people to improve their functioning, both as individuals and in their relationships with others. Clinical and counseling psychologists help people with physical and mental health issues to improve their well-being, reduce stress, and resolve crises.

Read more about the Behavioral Health and Counseling Psychology certificate >

Child Development

Child development is a broad field of study involving the physical, intellectual, psychological, and emotional progression of children and adolescents. The certificate in Child Development offers a wide overview of the processes underlying child and adolescent development and the influences of developmental contexts such as family, school, peers, and culture.

Read more about the Child Development certificate >

Crime, Psychology, and Public Policy

Crime, Psychology, and Public Policy is a certificate program that provides an overview of the causes of criminal behavior through both a sociological and psychological lens. It also highlights the relationship between public policy and the laws society creates to protect its citizens. The certificate is designed for those interested in learning more about how the criminal justice system uses a multidisciplinary approach to aid in the understanding of crime and justice.

Read more about the Crime, Psychology, and Public Policy certificate >

Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP

The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP) certificate is designed to provide students with practical knowledge of E-Business Application Software. ERP is the business function that uses software and other information systems to integrate day-to-day business processes such as accounting, procurement, project management, and manufacturing. ERP systems collect and filter information from multiple sources, eliminating duplication and creating data integrity. This results in greater efficiency, lower operational costs, collaboration across business units, and consistent business infrastructure. SAP is the world’s largest enterprise application software company, and SAP certification helps to validate your expertise and experience.

Read more about the Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP certificate >

Foundations of Business

The Foundations of Business certificate program introduces students to the concepts that comprise the study of business. It introduces students to core business concepts and helps them develop communication, technical, and analytical skills needed in the contemporary business environment.

Learn more about the Foundations of Business certificate >

Healthcare Informatics

Healthcare informatics enables healthcare professionals to be knowledgeable in information technology and for information technology professionals at healthcare facilities to be more knowledgeable of the healthcare industry. This certificate program helps healthcare professionals understand the complexities of the digital storage and transfer of medical information.

Learn more about the Healthcare Informatics certificate >

Introduction to Business Management

Business Management includes the performance or management of business operations and decision making, as well as the efficient organization of people and other resources. This certificate program provides students with a strong foundation in core business areas including management, accounting, communications, and technology.

Learn more about the Introduction to Business Management certificate >

Introduction to Corporate Communication

The Introduction to Corporate Communication certificate program is designed for those considering a degree in the field. Corporate Communication encompasses all aspects of strategic communication in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, from internal communication between senior leaders and front line professionals to communication with external clients. Corporate communicators are highly skilled professionals in the art of planning, problem solving, and persuading with a sharp understanding of their audience’s needs, tastes, and interests.

Learn more about the Introduction to Corporate Communication certificate >

Nursing Forensics

The Nursing Forensics certificate introduces students to forensic health sciences, forensic nursing, and the nursing role in the scientific investigation of violence. Through this program, nurses gain foundational forensics knowledge and skills, including evidence collection and preservation; forensic documentation; recognition of domestic violence, assault, and stalking; related public policy and regulatory guidelines; and legal and ethical issues. This program prepares nurses to provide care that is more specialized for victims and perpetrators of physical, psychological, and social violence or abuse.

Learn more about the Nursing Forensics certificate >

Nursing Informatics

The Nursing Informatics certificate is designed to provide nurses with informatics knowledge and to prepare them to practice in information and technology rich health care environments. Those who complete the certificate will be prepared to assist in the implementation of informatics tools in healthcare environments such as electronic health records, clinical decision support tools, database management and data mining, patient safety technologies such as Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA), RFID technologies and smart pumps. The ethical management of private health information and legislative aspects such as HIPAA and the HITECH act are also included.

Learn more about the Nursing Informatics certificate >

Nursing Management

The Nursing Management certificate program includes a series of courses designed to enhance the career opportunities for currently licensed R.N.s who are working in nursing. This program is designed for registered nurses who have, or aspire to hold, entry level nurse manager positions. The program will enrich participants' knowledge of basic health care organizations and administration; collection, analysis and management of nursing data; concepts and techniques for managing nursing personnel; and concepts and techniques for enhancing nursing managerial behaviors. Courses are aligned with the core curriculum and competencies for nurse managers, developed by the American Organization of Nurse Executives.

Learn more about the Nursing Management certificate >

Security and Risk Analysis

Security and risk analysis is an information and communication technology-based field that explores the integrated processes conducted to provide decision-makers with the information needed to understand factors that can negatively influence operations and outcomes, and make informed judgments concerning the extent of actions needed to reduce vulnerabilities, protect resources, and optimize investments. 

Learn more about the Security and Risk Analysis certificate >

Sports Administration

The Sports Administration certificate is an interdisciplinary program that offers students an introduction to the field. The 15-credit certificate can be a compliment to various academic majors, providing students with a focus on sports related content. Students in this certificate program will have the opportunity to develop a portfolio and gain valuable academic and hands on experience. Students with this certificate may pursue various careers including sports management, sports business/retail, sports marketing, sports communication, social media management for athletics organizations, event planning for athletics organizations, and coordinating recreational programs.

Learn more about the Sports Administration certificate >