Students, please note that health policies due to the coronavirus pandemic are evolving. Updated University policies and answers to frequently asked questions can be found online.
The University does not obligate itself for payment of medical services other than those provided by personnel employed or retained by the University and in facilities owned or contracted by the University.
Dispensary care including the physician is free of charge unless otherwise indicated.
The student has a free choice of:
- seeking medical help from any source he or she deems necessary at his or her own expense.
- using the services provided by the University according to the following procedure: report to the nurse in the Health Suite at the onset of an illness or injury. The nurse will evaluate and advise treatment or refer the student to the campus physician if required. The physician will see students by appointment or as needed.
The use of health services provided by the University is completely voluntary. The student-nurse relationship and all student records are confidential except in certain cases such as communicable diseases where reports are required by law for public health officials. No information on a health record may be released without the prior written consent of the student.
Learn more about patient rights and responsibilities at Penn State.
Penn State Medical Requirements
Penn State students must complete an online health history form to provide proof of adequate immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella prior to registration. Failure to comply with the above requirement will result in the student being denied permission to register for classes. This health record is kept on file in the Health Services Office.
UHS Policy for Verification of Illnesses
Routine Illness-Related Absences
For routine illness-related absences, students should correspond directly with the faculty as soon as possible regarding their situation, ideally, before they miss a class, exam, or other evaluative activity. Please note, the Health Center will not provide a written excuse for missed classes from routine illness or injury.
Significant, Prolonged Absences
For significant, prolonged illnesses lasting at least a week, UHS may provide Verification of Illness forms. Verifications are not provided for illnesses such as colds, and flu-like or self-limited gastrointestinal illnesses. Verifications will only be provided for serious illnesses for which UHS clinicians have provided services, or for which the appropriate medical documentation from outside clinicians is provided to UHS.
If students have received care from an outside provider for a significant, prolonged illness, they must provide appropriate documentation to the Health Services Office.