If you are assaulted...
- Get to a SAFE PLACE as soon as possible
- Contact the POLICE
- Try to PRESERVE all physical evidence including bed sheets, towels, and the clothing you were wearing. DO NOT bathe, douche or use the toilet.
- CONTACT a close friend who can be with you during this time.
Emotional Support Services
On-campus: Campus Health Center 570-385-6248 and the Counseling office at 570-385-6127.
Off-campus: SARCC (Sexual Assault Resource and Counseling Center) is a community service with a 24 hour hotline at 570-628-2965 with trained individuals to help you deal with the emotional, legal and medical issues of sexual assaults. A representative can accompany you to the hospital and court proceedings.
If a sexual assault victim contacts you for assistance...
- Remain calm
- Arrange a private place for the individual to talk. Listen compassionately. Comfort the victim.
- If a sexual assault has been reported to you, gently encourage the victim to allow you to contact the 24 hour Access Hotline at 570-628-2965 and follow their instructions.