Penn State Hotline
At Penn State, we have made a commitment to the highest standard of ethical behavior among all in our community. As a part of that commitment, we believe that our employees and students should be able to raise questions or voice concerns about workplace and University issues. This includes financial matters such as fraud, theft of University assets, or conflicts of interest; and other misconduct or violations of University policy, including research compliance matters, discrimination, athletics compliance issues, or sexual misconduct.
University employees and students can report issues and/or ask questions anonymously via phone at 1-800-560-1637 or online. Operators are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and are trained in making callers feel at ease and gathering information that will enable the University to fully investigate the issues raised.
Campus and University Resources
- Penn State Schuylkill Police Services: 570-385-6144
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Health and Wellness Services
- Student Affairs and Student Conduct
- Educational Equity - Report Hate
- Center for Women Students @ University Park
- University Ethics Policies
- Rock Ethics Institute
- Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Hotline: 800-560-1637
(TTY 866-714-7177)
Community Resources
- Schuylkill County Crisis Intervention: 570-628-4731 or 800-344-8094
- Crisis Intervention Counseling (24 hour): 877-9WE-HELP
- Sexual Assault Resource & Counseling Center: 570-628-2965
- Schuylkill Haven Police Department: 570-385-9111
- Pennsylvania State Police: 570-593-2000
- Attorney General Hotline: 814-863-1053
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255)
- Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline or Telephone: 800-799-7233
- National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN) or Telephone: 800-656-4673
- Health Department: 570-621-3112
- Maternal Family Health Services: 570-622-1244
- Schuylkill Hope Center for Victims of Domestic Violence: 570-622-6220
- Drug and Alcohol: 570-621-2890
- Alcoholics Anonymous: 570-628-4550 or 800-640-7545
- Narcotics Anonymous: 800-397-3680
- Poison Control: 800-222-1222
- Ethics and Compliance Hotline: 800-560-1637
- Childline: 800-932-0313
- Look Out for Child Abuse
- Parent Anonymous: 800-448-4906