The purpose of the key policy is to protect the property and privacy of the University, and of individuals assigned to use University facilities, by limiting access to such facilities to assigned individuals and to their supervisors.
This policy applies to all facilities owned, leased and/or under the control of the Schuylkill campus of The Pennsylvania State University.
It is the policy of The Pennsylvania State University to issue building and room access keys to faculty and staff and to persons or organizations who have contractual agreements with the University, and who have been assigned facilities, only when access to the facilities cannot be achieved following established locking and unlocking procedures. Persons accessing facilities beyond the scope of established procedures are expected to have permission of their supervisor, and budget administrator or budget executive. The possession of a key does not extend permission of access beyond the assigned area or times.
A $20.00 key replacement fee will be charged to all employees for lost University building and room access keys. In addition, actual recording costs may be charged (if deemed appropriate by the Campus Chancellor) for such lost keys
Policy Enforcement
The policy and its enforcement is the responsibility of the Key Custodian. The Key custodian must have sufficient knowledge of the programs and personnel at the Campus and departments/areas of the unit to ensure that keys are not issued to individuals which would provide access to areas other than those to which they are assigned. It is the responsibility of the Key Custodian to maintain systematic and effective control of all keys for rooms and/or buildings primarily under the control and jurisdiction of that campus. Each key issued to an individual is to be recorded, and a receipt signature is required from that individual when the key is issued. No key shall be issued without the authorization of the appropriate Key Custodian of the Campus.
The Key Custodian at the Schuylkill campus is the Director of Business Services.
In order to ensure the proper issuance of keys, the following authorizations are necessary:
Office Door
An office door key will be issued by the Key Custodian to an individual assigned to an office, laboratory or room at the employee's request unless otherwise restricted by the employee's supervisor.
Exterior Door
An exterior door key will be assigned to an individual who has an office, laboratory or room in a building when the budget administrator providing notification advises the Key Custodian that this person will routinely need access to the facility when the facility is closed.
Building Sub-Master
A building sub-master key will be issued by the Key Custodian provided that the individual has been given written authorization from the budget administrator of the area. In providing the authorization, the budget administrator acknowledges that this person has the authority to enter areas assigned to others, including storage and supply facilities within the department or area.
Building Master
A building master key will be issued to an individual when the Key Custodian has received written authorization from:
- Department Supervisor
- Director of Business Services
- Campus Chancellor.
The campus Chancellor, Director of Business Services, and department supervisor, by their authorization, acknowledge that the individual to whom the key is to be issued has authorization to access all areas in the building.
Grand Master
A Grand Master key will be issued to an individual ONLY when the Key Custodian has received written authorization from:
- Campus Chancellor
- Director of Business Services
Each Key Custodian may maintain a supply, in appropriately locked cabinets, of office and exterior door keys for issue upon proper authorization. Key Custodians may maintain a limited number of departmental sub-masters for reissue upon proper authorization.
Each key issued shall be documented by the Key Custodian or Designee on appropriate forms. (available from Business Office Personnel). No key is to be transferred from one person to another without being returned to the Director of Business Services for appropriate reissue. Each key will be stamped with a unique number and issued to a specific individual by that number.
All keys referred to in this policy are the property of The Pennsylvania State University and are not to be duplicated by any faculty, staff or student. Duplication of a key, or the possession of a duplicate key, will result in referral to the Office of Human Resources for appropriate sanctions.
Return of Keys
Upon termination of employment and/or student status, all keys must be returned to the Key Custodian (Director of Business Services) at the campus. Failure to return keys upon termination may result in the holding of employee accounts or a charge to a student account until the keys are returned, or the cost of re-coring the facility is recovered.
Forms and Procedures
Key request forms are available from the Office of Business Services located in B-204. All appropriate signatures must be obtained before the requested key(s) are issued.
Other University Keys
The policies covering other types of University keys are as follows:
Keys to other items of University property (e.g. desks, storage cabinets, study carrels, etc.) are to be controlled by an individual within the college or administrative area, utilizing signature logs or other evidence of receipt by the individual receiving the key.