Green Campus Initiative
Schuylkill Campus Nittany Apartments are going GREEN . The Schuylkill Campus Housing Department is asking all Nittany Apartment residents to their part and become more "green". The University-wide initiative is called "Take Charge". (
According to the website, there are many small changes we can make here that will have a long-lasting impact on the environment. All residents are asking to consider some of these suggestion:
**Turning off the water while you brush your teeth saves a gallon of water
**Your computer monitor uses more energy than your hard drive, so putting your monitor to sleep will reduce electric use
**If 5,000 students turn off their TV when not in use, 3.6 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions will be prevented - the same as taking 204 cars off of the road.
Now for the fun part. The Schuylkill Campus Housing Department is sponsoring a contest for the Nittany Apartments to see which building can conserve the most electricity for the months of February and March. RA's will be stopping by apartments to tell residents more about the contest and to give students suggestions. Staff will be comparing kilowatt use for the buildings from February and March of 2009 to kilowatt usage for February and March of 2010. The winning building will win a PRIZE. Results will be announced on Earth Day, April 22, 2010.