"Joining Africa," a book by Penn State Schuylkill Distinguished
Professor Charles Cantalupo, has won a 2012 Next Generation Indie Book
Award in the category of "Memoirs -- Other." Published by Michigan State
University Press, the book is an eye-opening personal history, telling
the story of an American college professor's 20-year engagement with a
thriving Africa rarely encountered by Western visitors, including
connections to poets across the continent. Cantalupo is distinguished
professor of English, comparative literature and African studies at Penn
The Next Generation Indie Book Awards is the largest
not-for-profit book awards program for indie authors and independent
publishers. In its fifth year of operation, the Next Generation Indie
Book Awards was established to recognize and honor the most exceptional
independently published books in 60 different categories each year, and
is presented by Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group in cooperation with Marilyn Allen of Allen O'Shea Literary Agency.
Cantalupo's 'Joining Africa' garners Next Generation Book Award
May 29, 2012