Program Effectiveness Data

Our program graduates students in December, so our annual report on these program effectiveness measures is posted in January of each year. Data for the most recent 5-year period (2013-2017) is listed below. 

Program Completion Rate

The annual program completion rate is defined as the number of students who complete the program within 150% of the stated program length of 28 months. The program benchmark is 60% or greater; program start date is the date students are placed in the clinical education component.

Year Percent Completion Number of Students
2013 85% 20 started, 17 graduated
2014 60% 20 started, 12 graduated
2015 59% 27 started, 16 graduated
2016 56% 25 started, 14 graduated
2017 78% 23 started, 18 graduated
5-Year Average 66.96 115 started, 77 graduated

Credentialing Examination Pass Rate 

Five-year average credentialing examination pass rate of 75% or greater at first attempt on the ARRT certification examination for radiography within six months of graduation.


Percent Passing
on First Attempt

Number of
2013 100% 17 of 17
2014 100% 12 of 12
2015 100% 15 of 15
2016 93% 14 of 15
2017 94% 17 of 18
Five-Year Average 97.4% 75 of 77

Job Placement Rate

Five-year average job placement rate of 75% or more within 12 months of graduation for graduates actively seeking employment in radiologic science. Graduate surveys were completed six months following graduation in 2012; beginning in 2013 the JRCERT changed the data collection period to 12 months following graduation. 

Year Percent Job Placement Number of Graduates
2013 88% 5 of 17 graduates actively seeking
2014 90% 9 of 10 graduates actively seeking
2015 100%

15 of 15 graduates actively seeking

2016 100% 14 of 14 graduates actively seeking
2017 100% 15 of 15 graduates  actively seeking
Five-Year Average 95.8% 68 of 71 graduates reported actively employment 

The JRCERT has defined “not actively seeking employment” as:

  1. Graduate fails to communicate with program officials regarding employment status after multiple attempts OR
  2. Graduate is unwilling to seek employment that requires relocation OR
  3. Graduate is unwilling to accept employment due to salary or hours OR
  4. Graduate is on active military duty OR
  5. Graduate is continuing education.

**Program Effectiveness Data is also available on the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology website; to access this information click here.