Regional Undergraduate Research Symposium
Poster Judging Categories
- Arts and Humanities (including Behavioral Sciences, Business Studies and Economics)
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Student exhibits may be entered in only one category, which should be denoted in the abstract.
Poster Judging Criteria
The purpose of a poster exhibit is to convey to a wide audience a research project's significance to scholars in the field and its potential significance to the general public. Exhibits will be judged on their quality in four areas:
1. Content: The exhibit must include:
- Student name (or names, if more than one student is presenting the exhibit)
- Collaborators, adviser(s), and department(s)
- A short title of the exhibit
- Funding sources (if applicable)
- Objectives
- Significance to the field
- Significance to society in general
- Methods
- Results, interpretation of results and conclusions, and directions for future research if the project is completed. "Other"creative exhibits must include discussion of meaning and/or reflections on the body of work exhibited.
- Does the project exhibit documentation of sources used for the project through the use of references.
2. Display: The core of each exhibit is a poster with text and graphics intended for a general audience. PowerPoint-style presentations are not allowed as a substitute; however, a laptop or tablet may be used as a supplement to the poster or exhibit.
- Poster should attract attention and convey important information about the project.
- Language should be simple and descriptions brief. Excessive jargon should be avoided; necessary technical terms should be defined.
- Spelling and grammar must be correct.
- Photographs, drawings, charts, tables, or graphs should be simple, well organized, and Carefully chosen when used to explain complicated technical concepts to a wide audience.
- Poster should not exceed 3.0 feet in width and 4 feet in height (NCUR recommendation 36" x 42")
3. Oral Presentation: Each student should prepare to describe and discuss his or her exhibit, tailored specifically to make the work understandable to a non-expert audience.
- Description should be clear and concise, and should include the major points presented on the poster.
- Presentation must not exceed 10 minutes; judges will be instructed to observe this time limit. Note: A videotape or demonstration cannot be submitted for the discussion.
- In cases where the student worked with collaborators, including his or her adviser, the presentation should clearly describe the student's role in the overall project.
4. Thoroughness
- All in all, does the project show creativity?
- Are there indications of original, critical thought?
- Does the project exhibit a thorough investigation of the topic?
A Judging Rubric will be provided to students via email after they have completed registration.