Dr. Yelena Meadows joined Penn State Schuylkill's STEM faculty as assistant teaching professor of mathematics in summer 2022. Dr. Meadows has worked in academia for nearly 20 years, having been an educator at institutions including West Virginia University Potomac State College, the University of Tennessee at Martin, Upper Iowa University, and more.
Dr. Meadows earned a master of science in applied mathematics from Altay State University, a master of science in pure mathematics from Florida State University, and a doctorate in mathematics education from Florida State University. Her doctoral dissertation was titled, “Calculus III students' analytic and visual understanding of surface areas of spheres, cylinders, pyramids and prisms.”
Meadows, Y. A. “Is this cylinder Left or Right? Analytical and Visual Understanding of Surface Areas of Cylinders, Spheres, Pyramids and Prisms by Multivariate Calculus Students”, 2008, available at Amazon.com at http:// www.amazon.com/This-Cylinder-Left-Right-Understanding/dp/3639134699/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1242680467&sr=1-1
Ph D, Florida State University, 2008. Major: Mathematics Education
Dissertation Title: Calculus III students' analytic and visual understanding of surface areas of spheres, cylinders, pyramids and prisms
MS, Florida State University, 2003. Major: Pure Mathematics
Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Algebra, Topology, Function Analysis
MS, Altay State University, 1997. Major: Applied Mathematics
Dissertation Title: Differential Equations Computer Assisted Tutorial
Papers and Presentations
Ogden, L., Deshler, J., Meadows, Y. (Panelist), Celebrate WVU TLC, "Fostering a Culture of Professional Development," Teaching and Learning Commons WVU, Morgantown, WV. (May 8, 2019).
Vogtman, J., Meadows, Y. A., Celebrate WVU TLC, "Don’t Just Tell Me – Show Me! Enhance, Enhance Your Teaching by Capitalizing on Students’ Digital Skills" Teaching and Learning Commons WVU, Morgantown, WV. (May 8, 2019).
Meadows, Y. A. (Hawkes Learning Systems), ”Creating a STEM pathway for underprepared students”, webinar. (May 17, 2019). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJu0AQmsT60
Meadows, Y. A. (WVU TLC Faculty Associate), PSC Professional Development 2-workshops series, "Working With Underprepared Students: Strategies for Success", Keyser, WV. (February 22, 2019, March 22, 2019).
Meadows, Y. A., Celebrate WVU TLC, "A Year of Implementation of CoRequisite College Algebra," Teaching and Learning Commons WVU, Morgantown, WV. (May 10, 2018).
Meadows, Y. (Panelist), Innovative Educators Summit, "Prerequisites on Implementing Strong Corequisites," Hawkes Publishing, Charleston, SC. (March 10, 2018).
Meadows, Y. A., Prime Sequential Day Celebration, "Prime Numbers Help Us Keep Our Secrets," Math Department, PSC, Keyser, WV. (November 13, 2017).
Meadows, Y. (Author & Presenter), WVU Celebrate 2017, "Engaging Students in Active Learning (Calculus 2)," TLC of WVU, Morgantown, WV. (May 10, 2017).
Meadows, Y. A. (Panelist), Chisholm, S. C. (Panelist), Vogtman, J. M. (Panelist), Huffman, V. J. (Panelist), Ballard, D. V. (Panelist), PSC Diversity Week, "Women in STEM, Professional Careers," PSC, Keyser, WV, USA. (October 13, 2016).
Meadows, Y. A. “Bridging Gap Between Mathematics and Navigation of Sailing”. Poster Presentation, 2nd annual Women in Academia conference, Bangor, ME. (May 14, 2013).
Meadows, Y. A., Brandon, P. (Author and Presenter) “Current Sailing Navigation” Nautical Science and Mathematics session at STEM conference for Career Technical Educators, Maine Maritime Academy, Castine, ME. (August 5-7, 2012).
Meadows, Y. A. “Teaching Dual Enrollment: Best Practices and Challenges”, conference of National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, Memphis TN. (October, 2009).
Meadows, Y. A. “Mean Math Blues”, Mathematics Teachers of Tennessee North West annual conference, Jackson, TN. (February, 2009).
Meadows, Y. A. Teaching Polynomials”, Mathematics Teachers of Tennessee North West annual conference, Jackson, TN. (February, 2008).