Nicole Andel, Ph.D.

Nicole Andel
Teaching Professor, English and Humanities
Program Coordinator, Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Administration Building, 201C
Preferred method of contact is email.

Nicole Andel, Ph.D., associate teaching professor of English and Humanities, is a Pennsylvania girl. She was born in Pennsylvania, resided in Schuylkill County for most of her life, and attended universities all in the commonwealth. Dr. Andel has been at Penn State Schuylkill since fall 2001. She has taught an array of courses in fields including...

  • virtual worlds
  • international holiday art
  • professional writing
  • Medieval and Renaissance literature
  • developmental and first-year composition
  • Arthurian legends
  • cinema art
  • hunting literature

Dr. Andel's dissertation examined and analyzed the depictions and uses of purgatory in drama in Medieval and Renaissance Britain.

Grants and Awards

  • Campus-wide Award for Excellence in Teaching: 2006-07
  • Campus-wide Award for Excellence in Teaching: 2013-14
  • Stone, J. (Principal Investigator), Andel, N. (Co-Principal Investigator), Gallis, M. R. (Co-Principal Investigator), Grant, "General Education Seed Grant," Office for General Education, Penn State. Total awarded: $15,000. Funded: April 17, 2017 - March 2018. This grant funded the development of a course focussing on the concept of virtual worlds. In virtual worlds, individuals interact with others in a virtual environment, either through an avatar or through virtual reality hardware.

Medieval and Renaissance British drama

Purgatory in drama and popular culture

Death in literature and media

Carpatho-Rusyn diaspora and culture

Christmas shepherd plays and home visitations in Carpatho-Rusyn and Slovak culture

Krampus and St. Nicholas

International holiday/seasonal celebrations and artistic representation

Video game literature

Virtual Worlds

Invited. “T.H. White’s The Book of Merlyn: When Merlyn Bedeviled Arthur in St. Patrick’s Purgatory.” L’Esplumeoir 11(2012): 7-12.

Mary Bonawitz and Nicole Andel. Published Article: Peer Reviewed. “The Glass Ceiling is Made of Concrete: The Barriers to Promotion and Tenure of Women in American Academia.” Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Roundtable Summer (2009): 1-16.

Mary Bonawitz and Nicole Andel. Short Published Article: Practitioner Reviewed. “Is There a Glass Ceiling for Academic Women?” The Compass, an e-magazine of the American Society of Women Accountants. August 25, 2009.

Editor. NEH Summer Milton Seminar at Duquesne University. Compiled, proofread, and edited articles for Paradise Lost and the Contemporary Reader under the direction of Dr. Albert C. Labriola. Fall 2001, Fall 2003.

Variorum Research Assistant. Researched, translated, and abstracted articles for inclusion in Variorum edition of Donne’s Songs and Sonnets under the direction of Dr. Albert C. Labriola of Duquesne University English Department. Fall 2000 to Spring 2001.

Ph.D., English Literature, Duquesne University (May 2008)

M.A., English, Carnegie Mellon University (June 1996)

B.A., English and Mathematics, Lehigh University (January 1995)