Cory Scherer, Ph.D.

Corey Scherer
Interim Chancellor , Chancellor's Office
Director of Academic Affairs, Academic Affairs
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, Psychology
Coordinator, Undergraduate Research Center
Kiefer-Jones Building, 113

Originally from Highland Park, Illinois, Cory Scherer completed his bachelor's degree in psychology at Albion College. He then completed his master's and doctorate degrees in Social and Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Northern Illinois University. He is the editor in chief of Psychological Reports. He currently resides in Lake Wynonah with his wife, three kids and two dogs. He spends his free time as a personal chauffeur for his children and is an avid fan of Chicago sports teams.

Evolutionary Psychology - sex differences in jealousy, sexual attraction

Social Cognition - Person Memory, Fading Affect Bias

Influence and Persuasion

Walker, R. W., Scherer, C. R., & Hartnett, J. L. (2017). Pollyanna’s Revenge: How Memory and Emotion Foster Happiness. (2nd edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Ph.D., Social & Industrial Organizational Psychology, Northern Illinois University (2006)

M.A., Social & Industrial Organizational Psychology, Norther Illinois University (2004)

B.A., Psychology - Albion College (2000)