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A masked student in a lab pouring content into a beaker.


First-year Penn State Schuylkill student, Aloura Gavalis, helped process lake water samples for analysis.

Student researchers in a boat on a lake


Undergraduate researchers, Caitlyn Goggins (l), and Kayla Baney (r), collecting and logging in samples from one of their lake testing sites in the Pocono region of Pennsylvania.

Covid Testing at BJC

POTD-11 19 20-Covid Testing at BJC

Clay Kuzmin, a staff member with Drug Free Sports, hands off a COVID-19 saliva test kit to one of the many Penn State students who have made their way to the Bryce Jordan Center for free, pre-departure testing throughout the week.

Farmer's High School Pillar in back of HUB at Penn State

PSUstock: Farmers High School pillar in back of the HUB

When first founded, Penn State was known as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania. One of the pillars in back of the HUB on the University Park campus of Penn State shows the institution's early beginnings. The pillars, by renowned artist William Culbertson created this promenade along the HUB lawn that explores 150 years of campus life in honor of Penn State’s Sesquicentennial. The five pillars detail different periods in the University’s history and depict various aspects of student life, activities, athletics, and cultural events.