Dual Enrollment Recommended Summer Courses

Recommended Dual Enrollment courses for the summer 2016 sessions.


CRIMJ 012/SOC 012 Criminology
Explanations and measurement of crime; criminal law; characteristics of criminals and victims; violent, property, white-collar, organized, and sexual crimes.

CRIMJ 013/SOC 013 Juvenile Delinquency
Juvenile conduct, causes of delinquency, current methods of treatment; organization and function of agencies concerned with delinquency.

CRIMJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
Overview of the criminal justice system, including legal foundations, processing and correction of offenders, extent and types of crime, victims.

HIST 020 American Civilization to 1877
An historical survey of the American experience from its colonial beginnings through the Civil War and Reconstruction.

KINES 061 Fitness Theory and Practice
Students will learn about the science of fitness/wellness; evaluate their present fitness levels and create a personal fitness plan.

KINES 068 Strength Training
Designed to improve students' muscular strength/endurance, teaches students how to develop an effective personal strength/endurance training program for lifelong fitness.

MATH 021 College Algebra I
Quadratic equations; equations in quadratic form; word problems; graphing; algebraic fractions; negative and rational exponents; radicals.
Prerequisite: MATH 004 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination 

MATH 022 College Algebra II and Analytic Geometry
Relations, functions, graphs; polynomial, rational functions, graphs; word problems; nonlinear inequalities; inverse functions; exponential, logarithmic functions; conic sections; simultaneous equations.
Prerequisite: MATH 021 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination

STAT 200 Elementary Statistics
Descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, probability, binomial and normal distributions, statistical inference, linear regression, and correlation.
Prerequisite: Placement into MATH 021 or higher

If you are already approved for admission, visit the campus registrar in the Business Services "B" Building to schedule your courses. Otherwise, please visit the Dual Enrollment Procedures page to find out how to get started.