How to I activate a course in ANGEL?
After you have logged into ANGEL, you will see a list of your courses in the My Courses section, organized by semester. Courses that have not yet been activated will appear "grayed out". Click on the Settings link for the course you want to activate. This will display the Course Settings screen where you will need to click on the Access tab. Change Member Access to "All Members". Click Save.
How do I forward my ANGEL e-mail to my PSU account?
On your My Profile page, click the Preferences (wrench) icon, then select the System Settings link. In the Mail Settings section, enter your forwarding e-mail address in the Forwarding Address field. Next, choose "Forward my course mail and keep as new in course" for the forwarding mode. Click Save.
How do I post a syllabus for my course?
There are three options in ANGEL for including a syllabus for your course:
- If you already have a syllabus posted on another web site (e.g., your PSU personal web site), you will enter the URL of the syllabus in the External Link field on the syllabus settings tab and save that selection as the syllabus file you want to use.
If you have your own syllabus file that you would like to use (e.g., one you created in MS Word), you can upload the file by following the Upload/Manage Syllabus Files link on the Syllabus tab.
You can create a syllabus using the ANGEL Syllabus Editor form. It is found on the Syllabus tab under the Edit Syllabus link in the toolbar.
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