Checking In
Assemble in 101 Classroom Building and report to the registration table. Fill out and return the card(s) handed to you. Ensure your name pronunciation is correct.
Signs will indicate your specific major and the order in which you should stand. Line up by the sign and proceed following your designated escort.
During the ceremony, follow your escort for cues regarding when to rise and proceed to receive your degree placeholder. Listen for cues instructing you when to move your tassel from right to left, as well (undergraduates only).
When it is your turn to receive your degree placeholder, remember to hand the Marshal your card(s).
Approach Dr. Jones, chancellor, to accept your degree placeholder; accept it with your left hand and shake Dr. Jones’s hand with your right. Smile for photos, and shake hands with additional platform party.
After descending from the stage, please continue back to your seat without interruption. Do not break the lineup.
Finally (and perhaps most importantly), congratulate yourself on becoming a bona fide Penn State grad!