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An image of student intern Lucas Centola E Silva in a graphic with Co-Op logo

Co-op stories: Schuylkill student connects from Rio De Janeiro to San Diego

Lucas Centola E Silva is a second-year Penn State Schuylkill student from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, who landed a unique remote internship opportunity with Sizigi, an eportfolio company based in San Diego, California. Through this internship, he’s learning fundamental principles that will benefit him throughout his academic and post-graduation career.
Student-intern Corinne Ellis on the Capitol steps.

Co-op stories: Student's internship highlights importance of networking

Corinne Ellis, a fourth-year Penn State Schuylkill student, is spending her summer in Washington, D.C., interning with the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association Organization. Through her experience, she has learned the power of networking and formed important connections with prominent leaders while furthering her knowledge in economics.